What will the new year bring? This is just one of the questions on our minds, as we finish the calendar year.
Even in a global pandemic, God calls us to serve. People are fed. Stories of faith are shared. Love blooms. Ministry happens. In the last few weeks, we saw the baptism of Lloyd Longwith on Sunday, Dec. 6th, and the marriage of Coleen and Tom Oney on Dec. 14th. In both instances, masks and safe distancing was employed. Our church affirmed our strategic plan and voted to move forward on purchase of new seating and sanctuary media system. Fundraising will continue, but we are not far from completing our goal. We are praying and looking forward to the time when we can be around the table of our Lord together.
Especially when we face difficult times, the good news of Jesus is what sustains us, prepares us, and gives hope for the future! We have new families worshipping with us online, and we will be planning a new member Zoom gathering soon. Our second round of Griefshare finishes up next week and will restart in the spring. With assistance from Yhadira Valencia, Lourdes Olson, and Google Translate, we have been building relationships with (6) Spanish speaking families with children. Could there be a Spanish language bible study in our future? Our senior meal program continues to serve folks in need of food, help, and friendship.
Our Advent worship and Holden evening prayer have been filled with peace and comfort, as we have heard God’s promises proclaimed by our guest vocalists, with wonderful music from the gifted Dr. Alexandria Le. If you haven’t been able to join us yet, make sure to catch us online next week (12/23). Our Christmas Eve worship (12/24) will include special music, a children’s Christmas story, and preaching from Pastor Matt. The service will be recorded to avoid any technical difficulties, and I look forward to watching and worshipping with you all.
There have been occasions for grieving as well. We have said goodbye to saints of this congregation, and will have a small memorial service on Jan. 13th for John and Gini Train at the Boulder City Veteran’s Cemetery.
Will we be able to gather again soon? We pray for all those who have lost a loved one or are sick or isolated. The pain and anxiety of this time will pass. We cannot know what the months ahead will bring, but as the new year approaches, we can be assured that God in Christ is with us, calling us, empowering us, to love and serve one another, in Jesus name. Thank you for your leadership, generosity, and grace in this season. May you and yours be safe, happy, and blessed now and always.
In Christ,
Pastor Jason
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