Dear Voting Members of Reformation Lutheran Church,
In response to the shutdown ordered by Nevada’s Governor, the Church Council has voted to ask the Voting Members of RLC via email vote to extend the April 1 deadline of the final approval of the Strategic Plan to the congregation to the June 28, 2020 Congregational Meeting. This will require a motion by a voting member, and a second to the motion by a voting member. Once we have a motion and a second, the floor will be open for discussion and a vote.
Because we are conducting this via email, discussion and voting will need to be done with deadlines in place. The number of email responses will determine if a quorum has been reached. I propose that once we have a valid motion, discussion is open to the floor for 48 hours; voting is open for an additional 24 hours for a total of 72 hours.
Thank you for your flexibility during this disruption of normal practices.
With prayers for peace,
Maxine Harju
Council President, Reformation Lutheran Church
Motion and Comments can be found below:
Congregational Voting
Jason Adams says
In light of local Coronavirus protocols in place, I motion that Reformation Lutheran Church move the deadline for a congregational vote (previously set for April 1st) to the date of the congregational meeting currently scheduled for June 28, 2020.
Joanne Stover says
If a second has not been provided. I second the motion.
Linda says
whatever it takes, we’re supporting you.
Joanne Stover says
Since this is likely to go on a while longer trying to do it sooner may be hard since not everyone will have access to a compute or be computer savvy enough to participate by this type of forum.
Paula Miller says
If I’m allowed (not sure I’m a ‘voting’ member) I’m ‘all in’!
Linda Birkemeyer says
I agree we should extend the deadline.
Elaine Hansen says
I vote to extended the final approval to the congressional meeting.
Sarah Filer says
I’m for it
Marta Poling Schmitt says
This is a reasonable response to the current global crisis. We can wait until June to vote on this. What is the current financial status of Reformation? I am worried that the lack of public worship may be impacting offerings. Are we okay?